Red Flags

Does Your Partner…

  • Try to control you?
  • Get jealous or accuse you of cheating?
  • Expect you to check-in all the time?
  • Embarrass you or put you down?
  • Threaten to hurt you or your pets?
  • Make you feel like you don’t have the right to say no?
  • Isolate you from your family and friends?
  • Make decisions for you?
  • Mess with your stuff?
  • Physically restrain you or use force?
  • Threaten or force unwanted sexual activity?
  • Share inappropriate information about you?
  • Easily lose their temper?
  •  Scare you by: acting violent; driving dangerously; yelling or calling you names; slamming doors; hitting, kicking, punching or throwing things?
  • Tell you that you are nothing without them?
  • Use substances as an excuse for their behavior?
  • Blame you for their behavior?
  • Use force or violence to solve their problems?
  • Have access to guns, knives or other deadly weapons?
  • Expect you to follow their orders?
  • Have a history of violence?  Were they abused as a child?
  • Demand complete control of your finances?
  • Ignore you or your feelings?
  • Threaten to kill themselves or you?
  • Experience extreme mood swings?
  • Demand to look through your social media or cell phone?
  • Take your cell phone to prevent you from calling for help.


Do You…

  • Feel scared of how your partner will act?
  • Make excuses or apologize to others for your partners behavior?
  • Try not to cause conflict or make your partner angry?
  • Feel like you can never make your partner happy?
  • Always do what your partner wants, instead of what you want?
  • Fear what may happen if you leave your partner?
  • Feel trapped?
  • Need to justify all of your thoughts or actions to your partner?